Thursday, September 09, 2004

Toto Meets the Dark Rider - Class 3

It ain't no sin to take off your skin and dance around in your bones.
— The Dark Rider, now playing at ACT's Geary Theater
If one’s sexuality is not explicitly stated, does that mean anyone can assign one? If this is the premise, then Dorothy, in “The Wizard of Oz” (TWOOz) could be a … lesbian! Sadly, we were not able to participate in the discussion since we had previous obligations with The Black Rider, so I have no answers. Is TWOOz really a lesbian coming of age story? Are the male characters archetypes of manliness? No brain? No heart?

The Oxygen Man brought his little Toto to class. His Toto, looked a bit like Benji … well, like Benji, if Benji smoked crack. Anyway, it turns out that Tranny is a cat person! Surprise! She was looking sassy in a smart pantsuit. The instructor began class and Toto began licking his bum … slurp, slurp, cough, and slurp. Obviously distracted by the antics of Toto the instructor tried to continue with class. Toto apparently has worms! He proceeded to scoot across the floor like a bobsled! At the end of his run … he threw up! The lesbian by the door ran out of the room. I bit my finger to keep from laughing.

“I think your dog is sick!”
“No, he was sick in the cab! This is just the last of it!”

Oxygen Man cleaned it up with a hankie from his front pocket. Unfortunately, as stated, we were unable to see if Toto II enjoyed the performance of Toto I, since we were running to a German inspired fable of deals made with the devil.

I enjoyed the performance in that it was unique, the staging was well executed and it was unlike anything I watched stateside (Germany and Czech are a different story!). Death. Deals with the devil. Discordant singing … you’ll have a gay old time. Frank looked like he was having a tooth pulled without anesthesia and John, Tasos, and Jeff loved it. Read the REVIEW before attending.