Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween 2008 - A Year of Joe

We thought that the Castro would be over-run with Tina Fey impersonators. We were wrong. What we found was men in search of the American Dream, where our money could go to fabulous costumes instead of taxes. I feel that if the message could go out, that the trickle-down effect of the current economy is recycled costumes, McCain would win by a landslide!

My friends meet Joe!

Joe the plumber ... mechanic?

Joe the Drag Queens with Joe Cop ... note, they could not afford to shave!

Joe the lawer and Joe the Programmer
Joe the banker with the plumber
Joe the drunk!
Joe the wooley beast!
Joe the bubba vampire!
Joe the smug voter.
Joe ... Joe ... Joe!
Will the real Joe stand?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thursday, October 02, 2008