Friday, January 07, 2005

New Year Resolutions

Unlike other people I know, and no I won't mention names, I like to focus on resolutions that bring good things to my life, instead of nit picking some negative to remove.

Resolution 1 - Attend Live Events (1x month minimum)

Some of you may find this resolution vaguely familiar. It's true, it is the same resolution I've made for the past 6 years. However, this year there are modifications! A live event can include, theater (not movies), museums, outdoor fairs, etc.

Resolution 2 - Dine with Friends at Home (2x month minimum)

This resolution is one that I roped Frank into participating as well, so the plan is to have friends over to one of our homes at least twice a month. We don't want another year to go by and find that we haven't seen our friends since last year's holiday party.

Guest Number 1 - Warren Jackson, College Friend, local Lawyer


  • Warm spinach w/onion, garlic and mushroom
  • Balsomic potatoe wedges
  • Almond apricot chicken
  • Chocolate truffles
  • Red wine

The meal was simple. The company excellent and spontaneous and I look forward to keeping at least two resolutions this year. The others, not mentioned because I don't want to be held accountable, will probably meet a quick and simple death -- who needs to hit 205 pds in 2005!