Today was not going to be a “food” day. So with just a cup of coffee from the original Starbucks in Pike Street Market, we went to Paroshki Paroshki where I devoured an onion cheese roll and an apple roll type thingy. Yummy!!! Then it was the market. Little nibbles everywhere screamed, tempted and tried to seduce.
Quality Meat!
We saw fruit, we saw vegetables and we saw this year’s bumper crop … fake boobs! Yes folks, apparently under the damp misty skies of Seattle there is a crop of fakery out there just waiting for a hint of sunshine to expose themselves to the light. Not to say that they compete with the flying fish or the other items on display but they were everywhere. Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas had big hair and cigarettes. Seattle had big boobs and cigarettes. Joy. It’s too bad that my brother banged up his knee or he could have been wandering the streets enjoying the sights.
The following is According to Madam X, a fortune-telling machine:
Danger, danger lies ahead
Skirt it with a delicate tread
Do not stick you chin out
Or you’ll regret it no doubt.
You are very quick tempered (this is true!). Quick to get excited and quick to cool off (amazingly true!). This will cost you some dear friends (let me know if this is true). Your pride will frequently get you into trouble (possible, very possible). Learn to be a little more sympathetic to the troubles of others. Lend a more willing ear to their tales of woe (bring it on!). You have a fine mind, cultivate it (I’m trying). Make it a habit to do a little more reading (2 books … one weekend!). Find a little more time to do a bit of traveling. It will broaden your outlook on life. Your marriage life will run more smoothly when you overcome your inclination to jump to conclusions (when it becomes legal … I’ll let you know).
Put another 50¢ in the slot and I will tell more.
Your Lucky #s (Nope, I’m not going to share … in the words of Daffy Duck, “They’re mine. Mine. All mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.
From Pike Street Market we descended down to the wharf. Nothing is too touristy on vacation so we took in “Eruption—Mt. St. Helens” on the Imax dome. It was an interesting film since we had flown over the mountain the night before.
Dinner was a special occasion and we dressed for it … if only I had a pair of fake boobs, it would have been perfect. Frank selected a restaurant, Wild Ginger, and it was worth the visit. Deliciousness and then a movie at one of the downtown theaters.
We were supposed to go to some bear event at the Cuff Complex but opted to go to a little martini bar down the street from our hotel, Tini Biggs. Of course, it was at this time that I realized I might have done an English Major math issue … transposed the tip and shortchanged our waiter at Wild Ginger. Oops.
Very tired. We went home.
· Pike Street Market
· Original Starbucks
· Parushki Parushki Bakery
· Imax Omnidome
· Wild Ginger
· Collateral
· Tini Biggs