this year after my doctor chastised my for A) weight gain and B) bad
cholesterol and C) high blood pressure. My initial goal was to lose weight
and to avoid being put on Cholesterol medication for the rest of my
life. After 5 months following the Atkin's Diet plan the results are in
and they are good!
Let me quote my doctor:
Douglas, you are making great progress, keep up the good work. Please repeat your fasting Cholesterol in 4 to 6 months, use the last page for the request.
And the results are:
Weight Loss: 228 pds (January = 263 pds, change of 35 pds!) - This was even more dramatic prior to TEXAS!!!!! ;-)
Total Cholesterol = 229mg/dL (January = 272mg/dL, change of 43mg/dL!)For most people a total cholesterol level of less than 240 is desirable.
Triglycerides H = 252mg/dL (January = 435mg/dL, change of 183mg/dL!)Triglycerides measure certain fats in the blood. High triglyceride levels can increase heart disease risk. For most adults, a triglyceride level under 400 is acceptable and a level below 200 is ideal.
HDL Cholesterol L = 38mg/dL (January = 35mg/dL, change of 3mg/dL!)HDL Cholesterol is also called "good cholesterol" because it helps remove excess cholesterol from your blood. High HDL levels are good for your heart. HDL levels of less than 40 for men and less than 45 for women can increase your risk of heart disease.
LDL Cholesterol =141mg/dL (not tested in January)LDL Cholesterol is also called "bad cholesterol" because too much LDL is bad for your heart. For most people, an LDL level under 130 is desirable.
So basically, I have been able to lower the bad and raise the good! It
is amazing what diet and exercise can accomplish. I am now energized
to continue with the weight loss plan and dedicated time for exercise.
If you need encouragement to join the Atkins Low Carb cult ... see the
results above!