Tuesday, June 17, 2008

California says "I DO"

Historic Moments - F. Ruggieri and D. Miller

Since we're on the topic of gay weddings, this blog is a combined effort. First, let me set the record straight --- we did NOT get married yesterday. I'm not sure how some of you got that impression (guess it was the text Frank sent to some that was a "little" misleading). We DID go down to City Hall and participate/support the significance of the day.

We cheered, jeered (more below) and supported those couples leaving City Hall with marriage licenses in hand. Not a huge crowd, but it felt very affirming to be with so many others. There were supportive crowds, TV crews, a readily available huppa, brass band, Ben & Jerry's giving out ice cream (and we missed that... can you believe?) and the crazies. Not just your "normal" SF crazies (rest assured - they were there too) - but your hate mongering, fear infusing, intolerant crazies (sorry to digress on John McCain's campaign too much....)

Now, we may be gay, but we are doing our part for the children by taking public transportation and recycling. However, has anyone looked at the carbon footprint of these crazies?? These "Loving Christians" flew to Australia to protest Heath Ledger's funeral (sounds like someone had a little Heath fetish) for goodness sakes !!!! They fly around, create OVERLY large hate signs and had motorized vehicles circling City Hall all evening. (It is the one time I can say that gas in San Francisco is over $4.50/gal gas!!!)

Perhaps in honor of the upcoming Olympics, there was a little healthy Hate competition with the Muslims! The Muslims got their message of hate and had a motorized vehicle too!!! (of course, no worry on gas reserves there) Not sure who the "Christians" were more pissed at - us or them!!! But, good on 'em.... glad the Muslims are spreading hate too!

Anyway, we stood, supported, clapped occasionally and then exercised our freedom to........... go have an Indian meal and head home to watch The View. We're not married and as Douglas likes to say, "just because you can get married ... doesn't mean you should!" When the time is right and I'm sporting some blink from Tiffany's, then we can talk. In the mean time, it feels good to have found each other and we're glad to have seen so many committed partners yesterday.

Now... just how do we keep the "loving masses" home in November????