Monday, June 30, 2008
Pink Saturday 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
California says "I DO"
Since we're on the topic of gay weddings, this blog is a combined effort. First, let me set the record straight --- we did NOT get married yesterday. I'm not sure how some of you got that impression (guess it was the text Frank sent to some that was a "little" misleading). We DID go down to City Hall and participate/support the significance of the day.
We cheered, jeered (more below) and supported those couples leaving City Hall with marriage licenses in hand. Not a huge crowd, but it felt very affirming to be with so many others. There were supportive crowds, TV crews, a readily available huppa, brass band, Ben & Jerry's giving out ice cream (and we missed that... can you believe?) and the crazies. Not just your "normal" SF crazies (rest assured - they were there too) - but your hate mongering, fear infusing, intolerant crazies (sorry to digress on John McCain's campaign too much....)
Now, we may be gay, but we are doing our part for the children by taking public transportation and recycling. However, has anyone looked at the carbon footprint of these crazies?? These "Loving Christians" flew to Australia to protest Heath Ledger's funeral (sounds like someone had a little Heath fetish) for goodness sakes !!!! They fly around, create OVERLY large hate signs and had motorized vehicles circling City Hall all evening. (It is the one time I can say that gas in San Francisco is over $4.50/gal gas!!!)
Perhaps in honor of the upcoming Olympics, there was a little healthy Hate competition with the Muslims! The Muslims got their message of hate and had a motorized vehicle too!!! (of course, no worry on gas reserves there) Not sure who the "Christians" were more pissed at - us or them!!! But, good on 'em.... glad the Muslims are spreading hate too!
Anyway, we stood, supported, clapped occasionally and then exercised our freedom to........... go have an Indian meal and head home to watch The View. We're not married and as Douglas likes to say, "just because you can get married ... doesn't mean you should!" When the time is right and I'm sporting some blink from Tiffany's, then we can talk. In the mean time, it feels good to have found each other and we're glad to have seen so many committed partners yesterday.
Now... just how do we keep the "loving masses" home in November????
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Little Father's Day Story
My father had an old pair of boots that I procured the summer after graduating from high school. I had a job at Sunset Lake, a SDA summer camp outside of Seattle, Washington, and needed a pair of boots for riding and such. The boots were old and worn and with my odd walk, the heels eventually worn down to reflect my rolling walk.
I still have them today in the closet and they still fit!
Anyway, I picked up a folder and found the following little story from my writing group (1993). Since it is Father's Day weekend, it felt like an appropriate nod to my dad. Thanks for the boots!
Happy Father's Day.
Of Friends and Phones
Alone, in my underwear and sitting at the kitchen table, I eye the lone Kraft spaghetti box laying face down on the counter, the used pan in the sink, and the torn Parmesan cheese package sitting half empty to the steaming plate of pasta and sauce. Picking up my fork, I swirl the noodles around and look at my watch calculating that I have eighteen minutes to eat, brush my teeth, and be punched in at work. Schedules. No time to wait for the spaghetti to cool, no time to enjoy it. Thank God it is Kraft's! Scooping up a forkful and shoving the strands in to my mouth, my head grimaces as the phone blares in my right ear; probably some idiot looking for an apartment.
"Hello, Johnson's."
Great, it's some soft spoken man who can't fix his leaking sink and wants my dad to come to the rescue.
"No, this is his son, Daniel. May I take a message?"
"Are you a cowboy?"
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, do you have your boots on ready for a ride?"
"No, I'm eating supper." Sam. I bet it's Sam. He's talking quietly so I won't recognize his voice.
"Can you put them on?"
"I'm sorry, put what on?"
"The boots. I need to talk to you, do you have the time?"
"Is this about Puff Lane apartments?"
"...yes. Can we talk?" His voice sounds urgent.
"Sure, do you live there?" I hate apartment calls.
"Yes. Do you want to come over?" Definitely Sam. Time to find out what he wants.
"I don't know. Who is this?"
"Austin Roberts."
"Well Austin, I've got my boots on and..."
"Does my voice excite you?"
"Are you a big man?"
"Yes, about 6'3"."
"No, no. I don't mean like that. I mean below the waist."
"This isn't Sam is it?"
"Do you want it to be?" The voice continues in a whine, "You're not a cowboy."
"Who is this?"
"Hello? Hello? Damn."
The spaghetti is cool now. I grab the phone book. What an idiot! Let me see, Austin Roberts. Robbins. Robert. Roberts, Austin. I punch in the numbers. It's not busy. Good. I hope the little pervert is home. One ring. Two. Three.
"Hello?" The raspy voice is a woman's.
"Hi. I was wondering if I might speak with Austin Roberts?"
"Who may I say is calling?"
"David Johnson." Ok, I lied.
"Are you a friend of his?"
"Yes." Ok, I lied again.
"When is the last time you spoke with him?"
"I just spoke to him on the phone."
"Honey, I don't think you did. Austin's been dead fifteen years." Great! I'm getting phone calls from perverts in hell.
"I'm sorry, but I... I just received an obscene phone call from a man who said he was Austin Roberts. I'm sorry, really, I am."
"Well honey, you know someone called earlier today and I answered they just hung up. Maybe it is the same person. I hope they won't bother you again."
"Thanks for your time, sorry about your husband."
"It's OK. Goodbye."
Now I feel violated, stupid, and my spaghetti looks dead.
Ring ... Ring...
"Do you have any apartments?"
Click. I hate apartment calls.
Random Quotes - Rediscovered June 14, 2008
In Genesis, God gave man dominion over the earth. Of course, Genesis was not written by a horse.
—source unknown
To be truly liberated, one must be able to stand alone.
—source unknown
That's why we have do a little population control in third world countries.
—source unknown
Oh well. He wasn't going to write Beethoven's Ninth Symphony anyway.
—source unknown
Momma, I want a tit!
—small child, front row of church