Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Tourist Update - June (Part I)

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June is Pride month is San Francisco. The rainbow flags wave from light poles lining the entire length of Market Street and the tourists are out in force. Not to judge ... but a little pride goes a long way and next Sunday will be full blown festivities, including the parade and the festival grounds.

This weekend we did a unique double feature for us ... two museums in two cities in one day.

The DeYoung Museum

Michelle, a friend of Frank's from work who calls me "D" (which I like), joined us for the trip. Our first stop was to head over and catch the Arts and Crafts exhibit at the DeYoung. Unfortunately, the museum is still new enough to be really popular and the exhibit is going to close soon. The displays were crowded and the baby's crying. I felt the Miller claustrophobia strike and moved at my own pace through the exhibit. Frank and Michelle took a little longer - then after a trip to the Tower we jumped back in the car and headed to Oakland.

The Oakland Museum of California

If you live on planet earth, you probably know that Disnelyand turned 50 last year. As part of the celebartion a special exhibit is on display. Behind the Magic - 50 years of Disneyland is an interesting exhibit and strangely enough had fewer children than the DeYoung. It was a fun exhibit and the audio tour, along with the pictures made for a good day.

After a quick BBQ dinner in Jack London Square we headed back across the bay.