Monday, April 07, 2008

Messages from the Other Side ...

A few years ago my surrogate mother, Toni, passed. She struggled with cancer and eventually lost the battle.

Toni was the mother of one of my best friends. On Saturdays, her home was always open to provide a home-cooked meal, a hug, share a story, or act surprised by the antics of teenage boys.

The birthday after she passed, I received a card with her handwriting on the outside. It was a final message and it was so unexpected and so welcome.

The family of Kurt Vonnegut have released previously unpublished works and it is a gift to those of us who have enjoyed Kurt's work over the years.

"I've too damned much to say, the rest will have to wait. I can't receive mail here so don't write." (May 29, 1945)