Monday, June 11, 2007


We're crossing the mid-year point for 2007 and as projects close for this year it is only a matter of days before we start to ramp up for the 2008 projects. Just like the seasons there is an ebb and flow of expectations and a few surprises along the way.

Frank is on his way to Washington DC for work and I'm taking a much needed R&R day. I have errands to run, packages to mail, and then a visit with my new Doctor who is supposed to put me on new medication for high cholesterol. Oy vey. I'm still feuding (one-sided) with the MUNI woman at the Church Street Station who knits and provided me with a mini-lecture on how I should use my pass in the machine instead of waving it for her to click the button and let me pass. Granted, I know it sounds like I am too lazy to pull out my Fast Pass (which is partially true), but when my hands are full and it is 7:00 in the morning and the train has just arrived, it would the be the nice thing to do. She chose lecture instead of love, so I refuse to acknowledge her. No smiles. No "good mornings." She has burned her bridge and a bright spot in a day where everyone maligns MUNI and it's workers is now over.

I asked the Super 8 ball if I was going to have a good day, response? You may rely on it! So I'm off!