Monday, September 20, 2004

The Highlands Restaurant

I’ve just finished a lovely cheese omelet made with my new omelet pan. And while I take a certain level of pride in my proficiency in the kitchen, I can only dream of the meal we had at the Highland Restaurant. We enjoyed the chef’s five course tasting menu, which included wine pairings. Bats and moths entertained us as the sun set over the ocean.

What did we eat?

What did we eat?
  • Lobster Bisque
  • Halibut sashimi
  • Scallops in a Lobster reduction
  • Squab wrapped in Proscuitto
  • Veal
  • Squash Brule with raspberry sorbet

The meal, of course, called for a roaring fire back at the room. Of course, we had to break into the room since we both left our keys inside. Perfect day. Perfect night.